Throw Softball Faster
Introduction: How to Throw a Softball
Oct 23, 2018 Follow these steps to improve you throwing in softball: 1. Improve your mechanics through throwing drills and better footwork 2. Get stronger! Bigger players throw faster, so start a strength and conditioning program with good coaching. Do arm strengthening exercises. These directly strengthen your shoulder and rotator cuff, which improve. Feb 09, 2006 To throw a softball overhand, start by gripping the ball in your dominant hand with 4 fingers on the seam. Then, point the toes on your back foot so the inside of the foot is facing your target. Next, step towards the target with your front foot and swing your arm swiftly up and over your shoulder.
Throwing is a key component in the game of softball. Although it may seem easy, many body parts are completing tasks simultaneously in order to have the throw hit the target. Every play in softball requires an accurate throw. Having a catch with a partner is a great way to practice and make your throw more accurate. This guide will provide steps for how to hold the ball, the position of your body and where to point the glove.
- A target (partner)
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Step 1: Step 1- Putting on the Glove
In order to throw a softball, you first need to distinguish which hand you are going to throw the ball with. Your dominant hand is the hand you write with and therefore will throw the ball with. If your dominant hand is your right hand, place the glove on your left hand. If the dominant hand is your left hand, place the glove on your right hand.
Step 2: Step 2- Holding the Ball
Now, hold the ball in the hand you are throwing with. Turn the call so that the seams form a 'C' in front of you. You will place your index, middle, and ring fingertips across the seams along the top of the 'C'. Your thumb will be gripping the seams on the bottom of the ball for support. The pinkie is not needed to throw the ball so just leave your pinkie where you feel comfortable. Make sure the ball is being held just by your fingertips, not by the palm of your hand.
Step 3: Step 3- Body Stance
In order to throw the ball, you must be in a stance that is perpendicular to the target you are throwing at. To attain this stance, have your legs shoulder width apart. The instep of your back foot should be facing the target, and your front foot will be lined up with your back foot.
Step 4: Step 4- Pointing the Glove
Now as you stay in that stance, point the hand with the glove on it toward the target. This will allow for a more accurate throw.
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Step 5: Step 5- Throwing the Ball
Bring the arm with the ball back by your head. Your palm should be facing away from you. Make sure your elbow makes a 90 degree angle with your upper arm and your forearm is perpendicular to the ground.
Step 6: Step 6- Throwing
Now it is time to actually throw the ball. Bring your arm with the ball forward (toward the target) with momentum. Release the ball when it passes by your head. When you release, make sure you also transfer your body weight to your front foot. After your weight is transferred, pull your glove into your body by bending your elbow and pulling it into your side, while tucking the glove into your chest.
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