Cara Setting Router Wifi Tp Link Tl Mr3220

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Parental Control function can control children´s internet activities, restrict some certain websites´ admission and limit the time of surfing.

Cara Setting Router TP-LINK dan sebagai Access Point Untuk Memancarkan Wifi 1. Pertama, silahkan hidupkan router tplink yang anda miliki, dalam contoh tutorial ini, admin tutorialengkap menggunakan router tp link dengan model TL-WR941HP yang memiliki tiga fungsi. Wireless Router milik IndieHome yang saya tempatkan diantara lantai satu dan dua ternyata belum mampu mengakomodir kebutuhan sinyal WiFi untuk penghuni di lantai dua. Alhasil dengan bermodalkan Wireless Router TP Link MR3220 milik adik, saya coba untuk menjadikannya sebagai repeater dari Access Point milik IndieHome.

Step 1 Login to router´s configuration page:
Open your web browser and type the LAN IP address of the router or in the address bar (the default IP address of TP-Link routers is or, then press Enter.
When you are prompted, enter the router´s username and password (the default username and password are both admin). If you cannot open this page, please click here for more instruction.
Step 2 On the left-side menu, click Parental control to open settings page. Select Enable and input the MAC address of parental PC on this page.
Note: If you want to set the current PC as the parental PC, please click Copy To Above button to add this PC´s MAC Address to the above Parental PC field automatically.
Step 3 Press Add new button on the bottomto create a new rule.
Step 4 Parental Control setting consists of three main steps, see as follows.
Step 5 Press the red option Time settingsbutton to set the time of router. This link will transfer you to the Time settings page. You can set time manually or acquire time from an NTP server or Internet automatically.
Note: This page helps you to set Daylight Saving time, please set it according to your local regulation.
Click Save to save the settings. And then please go back to the previous page.
Step 6 Press the red option Schedule button to set the schedule of router. This link will transfer you to the Schedule Settings page. Schedules are set for you to control the time of surfing.
Click Save to save the settings, and then the following page will appear. You can set several different Schedules for choice.
Step 7 Please go back to this page and finish the third step, and then check Enable to make all the settings take effect. You can choose the Schedule which you have already set or choose Anytime (we choose test schedule 1 here). If you are not sure about what these items mean, please refer to the comments on the right side of router´s page.
Cara setting router wifi tp link tl-mr3220
Note: If child PC is in current Lan, you can find MAC address of child PC on the drop-down list of All MAC Address In Current Lan, click it, then it will be filled to the Child PC field automatically.
Click Save to save the settings. Then you will go back to the Parental Control Settings page and see the following list.
Child PC whose MAC address is E0-CB-4E-5D-DE-C9 can only approach the internet from 17:30 to 20:30 in the work days, and visit the mere 3 websites :Google,yahoo and BBC.
If you want to control internet activities of other computers, please click Add New button to add new rules.
Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go toDownload Centerto download the manual of your product.

Complete Step by Step using OPENWRT + TPLINK MR3420 & MR3220byCindy.Wijaya(Kaskus Forsat)Hallo Gan, ketemu lagi dg ane the real nubieSesuai dg rikues rekan2 & janji ane, akhirnya terbit jg ni trit/CENTER3G Router TP-LINK MR-3420 dan MR-3220 merupakan router dengan harga terjangkau tetapi memiliki fitur dan kelengkapan yang luar biasa/raksasa. Hampir semua kebutuhan umum akan internet berbagi tersedia dalam router ini dengan interface yang sangat mudah dikendalikan bahkan oleh pemula sekalipun.Dalam perkembanganya pengguna juga memiliki kendala dalam penggunaan router ini, misa: panas, lama deteksi modem, modem tidak dikenali, dan sebagainya. Access PointAccess Point: isikan sesuai petunjuk provider, blank jika tidak diperlukanPIN CodePIN Code: Isikan jika terset, kosongkan jika tidak adaUsernameUsername: isikan sesuai petunjuk providerPassword:Password: aha isikan sesuai petunjuk providerModem device:Modem device: /dev/ttyUSB0Keterangan:Sebagian besar modem EVDO ZTE terdeteksi menggunakan /dev/ttyUSB0Sebagian besar modem GSM ZTE terdeteksi menggunakan /dev/ttyUSB1dan seterusnyaCobakan dari USB0-USB6 hingga modem anda terdeteksi. Jangan lupa untuk SAVE & APPLY setiap mengganti pengaturanBagaimana Jika Modem masih tidak dapat dikenali?Isikan parameter ProductID dan VendorID pada file:/etc/modules.d/60-usb-serial.

DISCLAIMER!- Do on your risk!- Loss of power during the upgrade could damage the Router!- Here is ABSELUTELY NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.CENTER.Troubleshooting Request FormatCapturelah bagian yg bermasalah atau jika Contributor menginginkan screenshoot dg format gambar, sbb:Format IMAGE. Mengembalikann ke Firwmare TPLINKJika sudah menggunakan OpenWRT masih bisa menggunakan firmware TPLINK lagi? Tentu Bisa!SystemFlash firmwareChoose File Ambil file Firmware/BIN dari Katalog firmware & utilitas dapat di download URL=Tombol UPLOAD IMAGE!Tunggu!Jangan melakukan tindakan gegabah apapun hingga router otomatis Reboot dan mendapati halaman Original Administrator Router TPLINKdi urlsbb:/url.

Code: config 'global' 'automount'toption 'fromfstab' '1'toption 'anonmount' '1'config 'global' 'autoswap'toption 'fromfstab' '1'toption 'anonswap' '0'config 'mount'toption 'fstype' 'ext2'toption 'options' 'rw,sync'toption 'enabled' '1'toption 'device' '/dev/sdb2'toption 'isrootfs' '1'config 'swap'toption 'device' '/dev/sdb1'toption 'enabled' '1'VII. Selamat MenikmatiKeterangan:1) Jika menggunakan mSD yg ada di modem ganti sdb1 = sda1, sdb2 = sda2 atau disesuaikan dg media storage yg digunakan dikenali sbg apa (sd?)2) Jika ingin menggunakan luci-ddns, remove terlebih dahulu yddns. Hasil System Flashdisk+StorageKeterangan:1) Jika menggunakan mSD yg ada di modem ganti sdb1 = sda1, sdb2 = sda2 atau disesuaikan dg media storage yg digunakan dikenali sbg apa (sd?)2) Jika ingin menggunakan luci-ddns, remove terlebih dahulu yddnsSOLUSI GAGAL SETING (BUKAN GAGAL FLASH!):Jika terjadi kegagalan pengaturan atau instalasi suatu paket kadang menyebabkan router tidak dapat diakses baik halaman administrator juga melalui console. Segala tutorial yang ada disini sudah dicoba, test dan digunakan dan dipilih yg paling optimal jika masih kesulitan silakan hubungi Contributor pada masing-masing topik yg ditautkan.Terima KasihCONTRIBUTORTopic Contributor:Budiarno Sambas (Maxx@Forsat MaximalPrime07)Firwmare Contributor:Nanay Sunarya (Mang@Forsat Inranr)Thanks to:Maxx BudiarnoMang InrarWhoiskliwonListerineNurmnhBata.1790Ngelih.companySofingiDISCLAIMER!- Do on your risk!- Loss of power during the upgrade could damage the Router!- Here is ABSELUTELY NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you.

Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Quote: Original Posted By shogun.kuningsedikit tutorial buat agan agan yang doyan kodok pake terminal dan work di aneperalatan yg ane pake:router (jelas dong)firmware modem nakalhuawei e1550 dan umg1831 work semua dengan cara ini.1. Ane download microcom2. Panggil modem dengan cara ' microcom -D/dev/ttyUSB2'3. Pas keluar angka angka gak jelas switch modem ke edge dengan cara copas ' AT^SYSCFG=13,1,3FFFFFFF,1,2' tanpa tanda petik dan tekan enter3. Masuk ke network interface reconnect this interface di bagian wan4.

Liat sampe dapet ip kalo enggak liat di modem biasanya nyala ijo5. Setelah konek copas ini ' AT^SYSCFG=14,2,3FFFFFFF,1,2' tanpa tanda petik lalu tekan enterviolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kodooooooooooooooooook yessssss. Code:; DiG 9.7.3;; global options: +cmd;; Got answer:;; -HEADER. Quote: ketika kita telah cape install berbagai packet ke router openwrt, dan router udah ready online. Namun ketika di tengah-tengah ada gagal seting, maka kita harus flash dari awal, ato reset menggunakan command 'firstboot'.adakah cara lain untuk menyelamatkan image yang telah terinstall berbagai packet yang dibutuhkan, seperti Luci web interface + driver USB modem dll.awalnya saya tidak yakin menggunakan cara ini, masih bimbang antara router jadi brick atau 'on sesuai harapan'openwrt menyimpan Firmware pada 'mtd5' atau tempat menyimpan image yg kita flash ke router ternyata di mtd5. Setelah di install berbagai packet-packet juga akan di masukan ke mtd5.langkah membackupnya bisa login ke router menggunakan command. Code: cd /tmp && mtd -e firmware -r write factory.bin firmwareSIAPA MAU COBA ALTERNATIFQuote: Original Posted By abiyasa24siapa yang mau coba.

Httpport 3128 transparenticpport 0dnsnameservers memorypools offcachemem 1 MBcacheswaplow 80cacheswaphigh 96maximumobjectsize 4048 KBminimumobjectsize 1 KBmaximumobjectsizeinmemory 4 KBfqdncachesize 1024#cachereplacementpolicy heap GDSF#memoryreplacementpolicy heap GDSFcachedir ufs / squid / cache 1024 16 256accesslog / squid / logs / access. Log squidcachelog / squid / logs / cache. Logcachestorelog nonerefreshpattern ^ ftp: 1440 20% 10080refreshpattern ^ gopher: 1440 0% 1440refreshpattern. PENTING!SOLUSI GAGAL SETING (BUKAN GAGAL FLASH!):Jika terjadi kegagalan pengaturan atau instalasi suatu paket kadang menyebabkan router tidak dapat diakses baik halaman administrator juga melalui console. Kondisi ini dapat diatasi dengan cara sebagai berikut;1)tMatikan dan Nyalakan Router2)tSesaat LED SYS menyala tekan tombol QSS, LED SYS akan berkedip sangat cepat.3)tKini Router telah dapat diakses melalui TELNET4)tLogin Router dengan TELNET5)tKetik Perintah: firstboot6)tKetik Perintah: /etc/init.d/uhttpd start7)tMasuk kembali ke Halaman Admin di browser dg alamat:FORMAT untuk Request TroubleshootingCapturelah bagian yg bermasalah atau jika Contributor menginginkan screenshoot, dengan gambar.

Code: config redirecttoption src wantoption proto alltoption destip contoh diatas semua traffic dari inet di direct ke IP agan misal masih pake fw originalnya, agan masuk ke menu forwarding.terus setting DMZ contreng yang enable.dan masukan IP agan pake sekarang.Game Online Mode NATQuote: Original Posted By stevphieBuat maen game online tapi NAT mode: STRICT (xbox360 & PS3). Instal miniupnpd.buat auto & trigger pada saat boot:root@OpenWrt# /etc/init.d/miniupnpd enableroot@OpenWrt# /etc/init.d/miniupnpd startNAT type nya langsung OPEN.Warning: hanya aktifkan jika main game online saja, kalo untuk browsing deactive lagi cos semua port otomatis terbuka.cheersSQUID FailoverLog ReadPort ForwardingEC 306 Rev.BSIERRA 598uSierra 305NAWALADNS TUNNINGCEK EKSISTENSI MODEM. COMPLETE STEP BY STEP OPENWRT + TPLINK MR3420/MR3220byCindy.Wijaya(Kaskus Forsat)The TPLINK 3G Router MR3420/MR3220 is a router with affordable prices and have an extraordinary completeness. Almost all a common need to be internet share is available in this router with the interface that very easily to control even by novice users. Users also have the constraints in the use of this router: hot in temperature, long modem detection, modem does not recognized, and so on.

“Do not turn off the power while flashing firmware, if you do not want your router die 'but if an electric power failure, yes your router going to die. Access PointAccess Point: fill in the appropriate provider guide, blank if not requiredPIN CodePIN Code: Fill if specified, leave blank if not specifiedUsernameUsername: fill in the appropriate provider guidePassword:Password: aha fill in the appropriate provider guideModem device:Modem device: /dev/ttyUSB0Note:Most of the ZTE EVDO modem is detected using the / dev/ttyUSB0Most of ZTE GSM modem is detected using the / dev/ttyUSB1and so on.Please try of USB0-USB6 until your modem is detected. Do not forget to SAVE & APPLY every change settings.

If it remains undetected, please replace your modem with another modem: DWhat If the modem still can not be recognized?Fill in the parameter ProductID and VendorID on this file:/etc/modules.d/60-usb-serialExample. DISCLAIMER!- Do on your risk!- Power failure during the upgrade could damage your Router!- Here is ABSELUTELY NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. DKU-2: It is straight Pop-port to USB cable. It does not appear to have microcontroller or USB-serial bridge inside the cable.

The cable connectors are in Black color.- CA-53: It is replacing the DKU-2, both are electrically identical but CA-53 is RoHS compliant without any hazardous material in manufacturing (more on this later). The cable connectors are in Gray color.- CA-42: It is replacing the DKU-5 for most newer compatible handsets. It eliminates the software emulation but doing the Pop-port to USB conversion right at chip inside the cable. No more virtual COM port will be installed and - which is totally different from DKU-5. It behaves more like a true plug-n-play when a handset is attached. Speed can go beyond the DKU-5's 115200bps limitation (at 230400bps).

The cable connectors are in Blue color and the USB side is about 7cm in length, which is longer than DKU-2 or CA-53.- DKU-5: It is the older design with serial port emulation and there is a speed limit at 115200bps. NOT a good idea for today's high speed packet data connection. It is also very clumsy with the driver.

The cable connectors are in Black color and the USB side is about 7cm in length, which is longer than DKU-2 or CA-53. Please note: the current version of Nokia PC Suite NO LONGER supports DKU-5.MORE PIN OUT. HardwareSerialPin 1 is clearly marked on the board.To get the serial connection work reliably, you have to connect a 10k pullup resistor between the TX and the 3.3V pin. Mce ships 1tb pcie based flash storage upgrade for mac pro. This is because the TX pin is connected to a voltage divider (2x5.6k) and a capacitor is put between the real pin and the TX connector.Now connect a(DKU-5, CA-42) and away you go!The right settings for accessing the serial console are as follows:Bits per second: 115200Data bits: 8Stop bits: 1Parity: NoneFlow control: NonePassword to get into uboot prompt is tplBasic configurationSince this part is identical for all devices, seeConnect stuff to the USB portTo connect stuff to the USB port, please see.

Quote: Original Posted By cindy.wijayaMengembalikann ke Firwmare TPLINKJika sudah menggunakan OpenWRT masih bisa menggunakan firmware TPLINK lagi? Tentu Bisa!SystemFlash firmwareChoose File Ambil file Firmware/BIN dari Katalog firmware & utilitas dapat di download URL=Tombol UPLOAD IMAGE!Tunggu!Jangan melakukan tindakan gegabah apapun hingga router otomatis Reboot dan mendapati halaman Original Administrator Router TPLINK di. Quote: Original Posted By fra3yanhebat.ts nya heheemang harusnya di wrt itu luas banget gan“Jangan matikan tombol power, jika router anda tidak ingin mati” tapi kalo listrik PLN mati, ya router kita akan mati kesimpulan anda harus punya UPS”maksudnya opo niyh?kita gak boleh cabut power kalo pake open wrt?maksudnya gini gan, pas acara ritual flashing itu jangan sampe ada masalah power misal mati lampu atau ngga sengaja kecabut.hal tersebut dapat mengakibatkan router menjadi brick ( bata ) alias matot.