How To Install Tripwire On Windows
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Once install.cfg is to your liking, copy it and to the top of the Tripwire source tree, /usr/src/tripwire-2.3.1. Run the installation script: #./ During installation you cannot go out for another healthy walk, as input is needed. Two passwords are set: the site keyfile local keyfile.

Command LineThis is directly from the Tripwire 8.1 install manual and confirmed working on 3/9/12To silently install Tripwire Enterprise Agent on a Windows system, enter the following command at a command line:teagent.msi /qnTESERVERHOSTNAME=TESERVERPORT=SERVICESPASSWORD=STARTAGENT=true falseINSTALLDIR=INSTALLRTM=true falseRTMPORT=ACCEPTEULA=true falseAll command-line components are case sensitive.The TESERVERPORT, STARTAGENT, INSTALLDIR, and INSTALLRTM parameters are optional since they have default values. Otherwise, all of the options are required in order to have a functional installation.
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