Bioinformatics Software For Mac
AbstractMotivation: The genome sequencing revolution is approaching a landmark figure of 1000 completely sequenced genomes. Coupled with fast-declining, per-base sequencing costs, this influx of DNA sequence data has encouraged laboratory scientists to engage large datasets in comparative sequence analyses for making evolutionary, functional and translational inferences. However, the majority of the scientists at the forefront of experimental research are not bioinformaticians, so a gap exists between the user-friendly software needed and the scripting/programming infrastructure often employed for the analysis of large numbers of genes, long genomic segments and groups of sequences. We see an urgent need for the expansion of the fundamental paradigms under which biologist-friendly software tools are designed and developed to fulfill the needs of biologists to analyze large datasets by using sophisticated computational methods. We argue that the design principles need to be sensitive to the reality that comparatively small teams of biologists have historically developed some of the most popular biological software packages in molecular evolutionary analysis. Furthermore, biological intuitiveness and investigator empowerment need to take precedence over the current supposition that biologists should re-tool and become programmers when analyzing genome scale datasets.Contact. 1 INTRODUCTIONThe scope of comparative sequence analysis in molecular biology and genetics has expanded dramatically following rather humble beginnings with datasets containing a few homologs of a few proteins in the early 1960's (A) (Dayhoff et al., 1965; Hagen,; Higgs and Attwood,; Kumar, ).
Major advances in DNA sequencing technology in the last decade have allowed for the assembly of grand datasets that include hundreds of homologous sequences from a large number of species and genes (Brown,; Ciccarelli et al.,; Eisen,; Gu et al.,; Huson et al.,; Koonin et al.,; Sankoff and Nadeau, ). ( A) Expanding scope of phylogenetic analyses as reflected in the number of scientific articles that use terms, such as Phylogenetics and Genomics in their titles, abstracts or keywords. Modified and extended from Higgs and Attwood. ( B) Relative impacts of evolutionary analysis software packages over the last 10 years.
PyRx is a Virtual Screening software for Computational Drug Discovery that can be used to screen libraries of compounds against potential drug targets. PyRx enables Medicinal Chemists to run Virtual Screening from any platform and helps users in every step of this process - from data preparation to job submission and analysis of the results. Size: 95937093 bytes. MD5: 7a84b2a39371a077c51bc348db057f28.
Only non-commercial software packages available on-line (without fee) are included, except for two available for a nominal fee (shown with dashed line). Data for both panels were obtained from the Web of Science (February 2007 edition). For panel B, the numbers of new citation were generated using the ‘Cited References’ facility with the search arguments for author name, cited work and citation year kindly provided by Joe Felsenstein for MEGA , PAUP (, PHYLIP (, MrBayes (, Puzzle , PhyML ( and PAML (
( A) Expanding scope of phylogenetic analyses as reflected in the number of scientific articles that use terms, such as Phylogenetics and Genomics in their titles, abstracts or keywords. Modified and extended from Higgs and Attwood. ( B) Relative impacts of evolutionary analysis software packages over the last 10 years. Only non-commercial software packages available on-line (without fee) are included, except for two available for a nominal fee (shown with dashed line). Data for both panels were obtained from the Web of Science (February 2007 edition).
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The too hard basket for Linux bioinformatics brew formulae!
Homebrew is the software packaging system for Mac OS Xthat Apple should have written.Linuxbrew is a fork of Homebrew forLinux. One of the best features of Brew is that a user without rootprivileges can install packages in their own home directory.
Packages are described by formulae which are simple to write, and based onRuby. Formulae are kept in taps. There are lots of good taps. The one Iuse a lot ishomebrew-science. Howeverto get into an offical tap like that one, a tool needs to be capable ofbeing compiled and/or run on Mac OS X. I use Linuxbrew for my servers, andsome of our tools are too hard to compile for OS X or simply only exist asLinux binaries. So that's why I started this project.
If you have brew installed, you can enable this repository like this:
You will also need the main homebrew-science
Then you can install any formulae I have written, for example:

If you are on OS X, some of these formulae may work, but some won't.
I'm happy to accept pull requests for new packages, but if it would not taketoo much effort to work on OS X too, then I will suggest you contribute itto homebrew-science instead.This repository is really just a 'too hard basket' for Linux bioinformaticstools. But, if possible, I would like formulae here to ultimately bemigrated to homebrew-science.